Friday, August 6, 2010

The love of a friend

There is this woman in my life. She is the most amazing woman. She has shown me true beauty, true wisdom, and true love like no one else in my life ever could. She takes care of those that are broken, in fact she can't stay away from broken souls. It's like she is magnetically drawn to them. Her love is free, her love is strong, and her love DOES NOT GIVE UP. She is the most stubborn woman I know. And that is the truth. I have watched her love people who continually fight against her love, refuse to accept it, blatantly throw it back in her face, hurt her on purpose, and drag her down with them. Yet she continues. At times I have not understood it and advised her against it. I'm glad she's the most stubborn person I know and hasn't listened to me though, because it's a beautiful thing when the object of her affection stops fighting. The tears come and she's right there to cry with them, pray with them, walk the road to healing with them, and finally enjoy the fruit of love with them. Her love is a powerful thing. It's the love of a true friend.


Marla said...


Molly said...

It's true. So very true! Love you!

Two Shades of Pink said...

I knew it...I knew it!!!!!

Coby said...

Hi Molly! Thanks for joining in on my blog!

I was perusing your blog, and I love how you use your words to pour your heart out to Jesus! Just lovely!

Molly said...

I know, Jess! It's not too hard to figure out! She's just that wonderful! =) Coby, thank you so much for your kind encouragement! I am loving this whole blog thing! I feel like I am getting to know people that I have never met by reading their blogs! It's really fun!